Library Resources

The binders, books, photo albums, videos of interviews, etc. that we have available to view, are housed at the St. Joseph Township Public Library, 1208 Richards Street, Richards Landing ON  P0R 1J0

These items are not available for copy or email transmission but must be viewed at the library.  You are welcome to get copies of pages while at the library.                                   

Videos and audio files may be viewed or listened to at the library.

300079 Booklet Adcock Adcock History by Edna May (Mrs. Robt) Adcock Jan 19, 1957 (recopied by granddaughter Violet Jean Adcock, Jan 7 1958)
300019 Booklet Adcock My Little Book of St. Joseph Island Stories - Eleanor (Garside) Adcock
400003 Video Adcock / Bolt / Porter Eleanor & Russell Adcock, Ilene & John Bolt, Mrs. John (Edith) Porter
300010 Booklet Agricultural Society St Jos Agricultural Society's Prize List & Rules & Regs on Fall Show in Richards Landing Sept. 30, 1898 (original offsite)
300041 Booklet Algoma births Algoma births 1870 - 1873
300042 Booklet Algoma deaths Algoma deaths 1870 1873
300043 Booklet Algoma marriages Algoma marriages 1870 1873
300039 Booklet Algoma Presbytery Historical Sketch of Algoma Presbytery - 1979
300038 Booklet Algoma Presbytery Historical Sketch of Algoma Presbytery - 1987 Update
400025 Video Anglican Church Anglican Church move in Hilton Beach August 2002 (donated by Ted Lumley)
300064 Book Anglican Parish Anglican Parish Papers Excerpts 1942 - 1952 - Rev. D. H. Dixon
300009 Book Armstrong Tip Toe Down Memory Lane - Harold Armstrong (1 in orange cover)
300012 Book Bayliss Historic St. Joseph Island (1 green cover, 1 no cover) - Jos. & Estelle Bayliss
300020 Booklet Bayliss River of Destiny - Incomplete (Excerpts from) - Jos. & Estelle Bayliss
300078 Book Bayliss River of Destiny the Saint Marys Commemorative Edition – Jos & Estelle Baylis, in collaboration with Quaife (donated by Bernie Crosby 2022)
300076 Binder Bishop Bishop Family history – compiled by Garry Bishop
300022 Booklet Black Florence Black's Autograph Book 1888 - 1891 - Grace Burmaster
400007 Video Brown / Kent / Young / Gibbs / Eddy / Ward / Rains Charlie Brown, Cal Kent, Bill Young, Ray Gibbs/Alvin Eddy, Alice Ward, Marie Rains
601309 Booklet Campbell Merle Campbell “The Eighth Daughter” by Gerry (Hanson) Benson
300071 Binder Cancer Society St. Joseph Island Cancer Society history and records – Joan Bishop
300049 Booklet Cemeteries St. Joseph Island Cemeteries (3 copies)
300001 Book Church St. Joseph Island United Church Pastoral Charge History 1878 - 1974
300035 Booklet Church United Church of Canada Annual Repot 2006 - Grace United/Harmony St. Mark's United
400004 Video Coulter Helen and Clifton Coulter, April 1990
400013 Video Coulter Perry & Kim Coulter, Nov 8, 2018
400012 Video Court Jacob Fred Court, Nov 1, 2018
400020 Video Coutu Janet Coutu, Feb 22, 2019
300003 Book Crowder "William Crowder, Loyalist” - Norm & Ruth Crowder
300006 Booklet Crowder Apples On The Mountain - Harold E. Crowder
300015 Booklet Crowder Early Apple Orchards On St. Joseph Island - Frank Crowder
300004 Booklet Crowder John & Margaret (Jaycocks) Crowder "The Descendants" - Norman K. Crowder
300002 Book Crowder Tales Of Years Gone By (3 copies) - Frank Crowder (1 copy donated by John Shannon Jan 2017)
300061 Booklet Death Register Death Registers from Old Timers Picnic 1929 - 1941
300034 Book Diocese of Algoma Diocese of Algoma Centennial, 173 - 1973, Anglican Diocese
300014 Book Dixon In The Shoes Of A Shepherd - Cannon D. H. Dixon
300011 Booklet Dixon It Happened On St. Joe (3 copies) - Cannon D. H. Dixon
300005 Booklet Egglesfield The Kentvale Store (4 copies) - Marie Egglesfield
300063 Booklet Everens Along our Shore, letters & Photographs from Everens Point - Lewis, Edwin Herbert
400016 Video Fischer Stan Fischer, Mar 7, 2019
300074 Booklet Fish Family of Charles & Elizabeth (Pender) Fish, compiled by Sharon (Montgomery) Neely May 9, 2006
300037 Book Fort St. Joe "Master Plan - Fort St. Joseph National Historic Park - Parks CA, Ont. Region"
100015 Ledger Frarey Frarey, Joseph T. – Ledger 1871 – 1915 (offsite)
601313 Booklet Gapp In Memory of Warrant Officer 2nd Class, Douglas E. Gapp, RCAF Bomb Squad, donated by Jack Ross
300062 Booklet Garden River Mission Geo. M. McDougall - Establishes Mission At Garden River - John McDougall
600360 Booklet Gibbs Interview with Raymond Gibbs – SJI Historical Society Mar 23, 1999
400018 Video Gilbertson Don Gilbertson, Dec. 4, 20218
400008 Audio Golman Theresa Golman   side a
300024 Book Hadden Dear Home Folks - Winnifred Hadden Letters - Elsie (Hadden) Mole
300081 Book Haight Puritans, Quakers & Witches – 500 years of the Haight Family – Nancy Haight Penrose
300040 Booklet Hamilton Mary Hamilton's Memoirs (transcribed copy on disc # 600070) - Mary Hamilton
400011 Video Harrison Linda (Rains) Harrison, Nov 13, 2018
300025 Booklet Hawdon The Ten Tribes of Hawdon 1993 (Hawdon Reunion) - Willia & Nellie Hawdon
400006 Video Hilton Beach History of Hilton Beach, Gary Bishop, Nov. 1999
300072 Book Historical Society Days of Yesteryear – a collection of island family stories by SJI Historical Society
300023 Book Hornick The Call of Copper ed. by G. Leigh Hornick (2 copies)
300070 Book Hyndman From Farmboy to Minister of the Gospel - Memories of Rev. John Wesley Hyndman Nov 2018
400021 Video Irwin / Jackson Arden Irwin & Jim Jackson interview (May 2 2019)
300026 Book Irwin / Todd / Rutherford Irwin/Todd/Rutherford, George & John Family Tree - P. & R. Irwin & B. Marie Egglesfield
400021 Video Jackson / Irwin Arden Irwin & Jim Jackson interview (May 2 2019)
300048 Booklet Jocelyn Twp 100th Anniversary of the Twp of Jocelyn, June 15, 1986 (donated by John Shannon Jan 2017)
400014 Video Jocelyn Twp Jocelyn Skit Old Fashioned Christmas Concert 1997
400010 Video Jocelyn Twp Jocelyn Township Christmas Concert, Dec. 20, 1986
300027 Book Johnston The Invasion, A Narrative of the Johnston Family of St. Mary's - Janet Lewis
300036 Booklet Jones Thoughts of One Canadian Soldier At War - Brian H. Jones
300039 Book Kent Art’s Articles, Yesteryear on St. Joseph Island by Arthur H. Kent 1993 (2 copies - 1 donated by Laura Gibbs and family)
400022 Video Kent Harold Kent interview (Feb 6 2019)
400023 Video Kent Ron Kent interview (Mar 14 2019)
300080 Booklet Kent Viola ‘Vi’ Kent interview (May 21, 2000)
100001 Album Kitchen / MacGregor Kitchen & MacGregor Family Histories - Edna K. Campbell
300054 Booklet Land Records Land Records:  St. Joseph Island - 1870's to 1940's - Joyce Sandie, SSM-OGS
300055 Booklet Land Records Land Records:  St. Joseph Island - 1870's to 1988 - K & B. Forbes
300052 Book Landmann Adventures & Recollections of Colonel Landmann (on SJI) Geo. Thos. Landmann - 1852
300007 Book Lay Memories of Early Days on St. Joseph Island (4 copies) - Gregory Lay
300056 Booklet Marriage Records Marriage Records - Algoma, St. Lukes Cathedral & St. Joseph Island
300044 Booklet Marriages Island marriages 1882 - 1893
300028 Book Martin The Island of St. Joseph & St. Mary's River (2 copies) - Bruce Martin
300016 Booklet McMenemy The McMenemy Families of McMenomy Bay, St. Joseph Island - George McMenemy
300053 Book Memorials Book of Memorials for St. Joseph Island Residents
300045 Booklet Mole / Rains St. Joseph Island - A Tour & Historical Guide by Jackileen R. Rains & Elsie Hadden Mole (donated by John Shannon Jan 2017)
300051 Booklet Molesworth Survey of St. Joseph & Campement D'our - Molesworth 1855
400005 Video Nelson Hector Nelson @ Milford Haven, May 1992
400009 Audio Nelson Hector Nelson   side b
300029 Booklet Nelson Ralph Nelson Memoirs (transcribed copy on file #600051) - Ralph Nelson
300060.1 Binder Obituaries St. Joseph Island Obituaries Book 1 A thru L (Newspaper clippings)
300060.2 Binder Obituaries St. Joseph Island Obituaries Book 2 M thru Z (Newspaper clippings)
300021 Book Orrell The Island Fairy Godmother - Florence Whaley Orrell (4 copies) - Cindy Crawford
400015 Video Parr Margaret Ellen (Gingles) Parr, Nov. 15, 2018
300075 Binder Recipes Recipes by Mrs. Broadhagen, Mrs. Ault, Julie Thoms, ASC cooks, etc.
300013 Book Reed Bits & Pieces of My Life - Jim Reed (3 copies) - Jackileen R. Rains
400002 Video Reed Jim Reed, Feb. 27, 1992
300017 Booklet Rousseau The Rousseau Family's Migration From France to St. Joseph Island - Sandra Rousseau
400024 Video Rowat Neil Rowat interview (Nov 22 2018)
300050 Booklet School Mountain School, Jocelyn SS #2 - 1895-1952
300018 Booklet See Willela See Family History - G. Crowder (Carter)
300068 Booklet Smith Copies From The Glyn Smith Collection - Glyn Smith
300032 Booklet Smith Sailor's Encampment (2 copies) - Addie Errington Smith
400019 Video Stevens Clive Stevens – Sept 2018
300047 Booklet Stevens Leonard Stevens Memories - Feb. 19, 1980 b: Apr 7, 1910 d:Jan. 15, 1995
300031 Book Stewart Once We Lived (World War I) - Ken Stewart
400001 Video Still "Still Family - Alfred & Esther, Marus, Helen Coulter, Nov. 1991"
300084 Book Stortini Only In Canada, Memories of an Italian Canadian - Ray Stortini (donated by Ted Lumley 2024)
300082 Book Troyer Look To This Day For It Is Life (The Story of All Tribes Christian Camp) by Millie Jacobs Troyer (donated by Ted Lumley 2024)
300066 Booklet Trainor Memories Through My 83 Years - by Mable Trainor (donated by Laurie (Hollingsworth) Cain)
300030 Booklet War of 1812 War of 1812 - 1814 - Sandra Rousseau
400017 Video Wells Bill & Judy Wells, Feb. 28, 2019
300069 Booklet Wigmore "Memories of Jane Florence Wigmore”, Aug 1989
300033 Booklet Wilson The Wilson Families of St. Joseph Island - Terrance R. Wilson
300008 Booklet Wooley The Sword of Old St. Joe - H. J. L. Wooley (3 copies) (original off site; 1 donated by John Shannon Jan 2017)
300046 Book Wooley The Voyageur's Daughter - H. J. L. Wooley (donated by John Shannon Jan 2017)
300065 Booklet World War II Record of St. Joseph Island Service Personnel War 1939 - 1945
